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Freedom from IBS starts here!

Don't miss out on life any longer!

These are some of the things you may have been dealing with:

Doctor and Patient

Has your doctor told you that you just have to live with it?

Don’t believe it because it’s not true!  It’s not your doctor’s fault – he or she doesn’t know any different than what was taught in conventional medical school.  I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to live with it and that we can work together to restore your health!   I’ve helped many women overcome their IBS and thrive!


Are you tired of constantly looking for the next cure for your IBS?

The truth is, the answer isn’t on the internet.   While the internet has made knowledge widely available, it is also hindering you from getting the individualized care that you need!  Dr. Lisa is that person that can give you the personalized care it takes to heal yourself.


Do you feel like you have tried everything possible to heal your IBS?

Most clients I work with tell me the same thing “I’ve tried EVERYTHING”.  While it may feel like it, you have not tried everything.  The tools that I used to guide you to wellness aren’t used by many doctors, even other NDs.  I encourage you to take that step to embark on this healing journey that will give you freedom from IBS!

Do you want real solutions rather than just pills (band-aids) for your IBS?

All the medications, supplements, shots, and other treatments are not treating the cause of your symptoms.  They may help temporarily, but they are just band-aids.  Real solutions bring lasting relief and restore health to your body!

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How will your life look after freedom from IBS?

You can go out into public without fear of having an accident.

You will have a flat tummy and will be able to fit into your clothes again!

You will feel excited about family and friend gatherings because you don’t have a fear of food!

You can eat a variety of foods and your body digests them well!

You will be free of the frustration of always trying to “fix” yourself.

You can spend quality time with your children, family or friends because you feel good in your body.

Your transformational program

Comprehensive initial intake and visit

Weekly or bi-weekly one on one visits

Expert guidance and transformation

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We'll spend time reviewing your health history and assessing essential next steps to your freedom from IBS.

We'll create your customized plan to freedom from IBS  and follow up regularly to check your progress and make personalized adjustments to your plan.

You will reap the benefits of Dr. Lisa's years of experience and expertise in gut health.  You will experience health transformation that will change your life!

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