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I'm so glad you found your way here!


I’m Dr. Lisa Morse, ND, a licensed Naturopathic Physician.  I help women who are suffering from diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, and other digestive complaints get relief from their discomfort so that they can enjoy eating again, feel comfortable in their bodies, and be free to enjoy every special moment in your life!

First, let me say I am so glad you are here.


Second, I also want you to know you are not alone!


I am a Naturopathic Physician because of my own struggles with digestion.   It’s been a long journey to where I am now, all of it a learning experience.


When I was in my 20s, I started having problems with my digestion and thought that I simply had to live with them.  But eventually I realized that I needed to seek out help.  I went to various doctors, including Naturopathic Physicians, and unfortunately my improvement was limited.  Reason being, those doctors were not treating the ROOT CAUSE of my digestive symptoms.  And without treating the root cause, the body won’t be restored to health.


Symptoms are a message from the body that something is out of balance.   Your body is talking to you!  It’s important that you listen.  Most doctors will try to give you a medication to hide your symptoms.  But that’s like putting a piece of duct tape over your check engine light on your car.  You wouldn’t do that, right?  Let’s not do the same with your body!  Let’s uncover the root cause of your digestive distress.

Eventually, through my education and own research and exploration, I got to the root cause of my digestive distress.  I got to a place where painful bloating in my abdomen wasn’t a daily occurrence and my life didn’t center around diarrhea or constipation.  I was able to enjoy eating again and feel comfortable in my body!   I can tell you that this was truly transformational for me!


Because I know what it’s like to suffer from these complaints, I’ve made it my mission to help others on their path to healing their digestion. You don’t have to suffer with digestive complaints, no matter what any doctor has told you. There is a root cause to your digestive distress that I will help you uncover.  

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